Entry point for the Adapty SDK. All Adapty methods are available through this class.


  • Adapty



addEventListener: AddListenerFn = ...

Adds a event listener for native event


  • Initializes the Adapty SDK.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the SDK is initialized.


    This method must be called in order for the SDK to work. It is preffered to call it as early as possible in the app lifecycle, so background activities can be performed and cache can be updated.


    Basic usage in your app's entry point

     adapty.activate('YOUR_API_KEY'); // <-- pass your API key here (required)

    Usage with your user identifier from your system

    adapty.activate('YOUR_API_KEY', { // <-- pass your API key here (required)
    customerUserId: 'YOUR_USER_ID' // <-- pass your user identifier here (optional)


    AdaptyError Usually throws if the SDK is already activated or if the API key is invalid.

  • Fetches the paywall by the specified placement.


    • placementId: string

      The identifier of the desired placement. This is the value you specified when you created the placement in the Adapty Dashboard.

    • Optional locale: string

      The locale of the desired paywall.

    • Optional params: GetPaywallParamsInput = ...

      Additional parameters for retrieving paywall.

    Returns Promise<AdaptyPaywall>

    A promise that resolves with a requested paywall.


    With Adapty, you can remotely configure the products and offers in your app by simply adding them to paywalls – no need for hardcoding them. The only thing you hardcode is the placement ID. This flexibility allows you to easily update paywalls, products, and offers, or run A/B tests, all without the need for a new app release.


    AdaptyError Throws an error:

    1. if the paywall with the specified ID is not found
    2. if your bundle ID does not match with your Adapty Dashboard setup
  • Fetches the paywall of the specified placement for the All Users audience.


    • placementId: string

      The identifier of the desired placement. This is the value you specified when you created the placement in the Adapty Dashboard.

    • Optional locale: string

      The locale of the desired paywall.

    • Optional params: GetPaywallForDefaultAudienceParamsInput = ...

      Additional parameters for retrieving paywall.

    Returns Promise<AdaptyPaywall>

    A promise that resolves with a requested paywall.


    With Adapty, you can remotely configure the products and offers in your app by simply adding them to paywalls – no need for hardcoding them. The only thing you hardcode is the placement ID. This flexibility allows you to easily update paywalls, products, and offers, or run A/B tests, all without the need for a new app release.

    However, it’s crucial to understand that the recommended approach is to fetch the paywall through the placement ID by the getPaywall method. The getPaywallForDefaultAudience method should be a last resort due to its significant drawbacks. See docs for more details


    AdaptyError Throws an error:

    1. if the paywall with the specified ID is not found
    2. if your bundle ID does not match with your Adapty Dashboard setup
  • Fetches a user profile.

    Allows you to define the level of access, as well as other parameters.

    Returns Promise<AdaptyProfile>


    The getProfile method provides the most up-to-date result as it always tries to query the API. If for some reason (e.g. no internet connection), the Adapty SDK fails to retrieve information from the server, the data from cache will be returned. It is also important to note that the Adapty SDK updates AdaptyProfile cache on a regular basis, in order to keep this information as up-to-date as possible.



  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • method: "activate" | "adapty_ui_activate" | "adapty_ui_create_view" | "adapty_ui_dismiss_view" | "adapty_ui_present_view" | "adapty_ui_show_dialog" | "is_activated" | "get_paywall" | "get_paywall_for_default_audience" | "get_paywall_products" | "get_profile" | "identify" | "log_show_onboarding" | "log_show_paywall" | "logout" | "make_purchase" | "present_code_redemption_sheet" | "report_transaction" | "restore_purchases" | "set_fallback_paywalls" | "set_integration_identifiers" | "set_log_level" | "update_attribution_data" | "update_profile"
    • params: string
    • resultType: "AdaptyError" | "AdaptyPaywall" | "AdaptyProfile" | "AdaptyPurchaseResult" | "AdaptyPaywallProduct" | "AdaptyRemoteConfig" | "AdaptyPaywallBuilder" | "AdaptyUiView" | "AdaptyUiDialogActionType" | "Array<AdaptyPaywallProduct>" | "BridgeError" | "String" | "Boolean" | "Void"
    • ctx: LogContext
    • log: LogScope

    Returns Promise<T>

  • Logs in a user with a provided customerUserId.

    If you don't have a user id on SDK initialization, you can set it later at any time with this method. The most common cases are after registration/authorization when the user switches from being an anonymous user to an authenticated user.


    • customerUserId: string

      unique user id

    Returns Promise<void>



  • Logs an onboarding screen view event.

    In order for you to be able to analyze user behavior at this critical stage without leaving Adapty, we have implemented the ability to send dedicated events every time a user visits yet another onboarding screen.


    • screenOrder: number

      The number of the screen that was shown to the user.

    • Optional onboardingName: string

      The name of the onboarding.

    • Optional screenName: string

      The name of the screen.

    Returns Promise<void>

    resolves when the event is logged


    Even though there is only one mandatory parameter in this function, we recommend that you think of names for all the screens, as this will make the work of analysts during the data examination phase much easier.


    adapty.logShowOnboarding(1, 'onboarding_name', 'screen_name');



  • Logs a paywall view event.

    Adapty helps you to measure the performance of the paywalls. We automatically collect all the metrics related to purchases except for paywall views. This is because only you know when the paywall was shown to a customer.


    Returns Promise<void>

    resolves when the event is logged


    Whenever you show a paywall to your user, call this function to log the event, and it will be accumulated in the paywall metrics.


    const paywall = await adapty.getPaywall('paywall_id');
    // ...after opening the paywall
  • Performs a purchase of the specified product.

    All available promotions will be applied automatically.


    Returns Promise<AdaptyPurchaseResult>

    A Promise that resolves to the AdaptyPurchaseResult object containing details about the purchase. If the result is 'success', it also includes the updated user's profile.


    Successful purchase will also result in a call to the 'onLatestProfileLoad' listener. You can use addEventListener to subscribe to this event and handle the purchase result outside of this thread.


    If an error occurs during the purchase process or while decoding the response from the native SDK.


    try {
    const paywall = await adapty.getPaywall('onboarding');
    const products = await adapty.getPaywallProducts(paywall);
    const product = products[0];

    const profile = await adapty.makePurchase(product);
    // successful, canceled, or pending purchase
    } catch (error) {
    // handle error
  • Opens a native modal screen to redeem Apple Offer Codes.

    Returns Promise<void>


    iOS 14+ only.

  • Sets the variation ID of the purchase.

    In Observer mode, Adapty SDK doesn't know, where the purchase was made from. If you display products using our Paywalls or A/B Tests, you can manually assign variation to the purchase. After doing this, you'll be able to see metrics in Adapty Dashboard.


    Returns Promise<void>



  • Sets the fallback paywalls.

    Fallback paywalls will be used if the SDK fails to fetch the paywalls from the dashboard. It is not designed to be used for the offline flow, as products are not cached in Adapty.


    Returns Promise<void>

    resolves when fallback paywalls are saved

  • Parameters

    • key: string
    • value: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Sets the preferred log level.

    By default, the log level is set to error.


    • logLevel: LogLevel

      new preferred log level

    Returns Promise<void>

    resolves when the log level is set


    There are four levels available: error: only errors will be logged warn: messages from the SDK that do not cause critical errors, but are worth paying attention to info: various information messages, such as those that log the lifecycle of various modules verbose: any additional information that may be useful during debugging, such as function calls, API queries, etc.


    AdaptyError if the log level is invalid

  • Updates an attribution data for the current user.


    • attribution: Record<string, any>

      An object containing attribution data.

    • source: string

      The source of the attribution data.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the attribution data is updated.


    const attribution = {
    'Adjust Adid': 'adjust_adid',
    'Adjust Network': 'adjust_network',
    'Adjust Campaign': 'adjust_campaign',
    'Adjust Adgroup': 'adjust_adgroup',

    adapty.updateAttribution(attribution, 'adjust');


    AdaptyError Throws if parameters are invalid or not provided.

  • Updates a profile for the current user.


    Returns Promise<void>


    AdaptyError If parameters are invalid or there is a network error.


    const profile = {
    email: '[email protected]',
    phone: '+1234567890',

    await adapty.updateProfile(profile);

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