Interface AdaptyPaywallProduct

Describes an object that represents a product. Used in getPaywallProducts method and in makePurchase method.


  • AdaptyPaywallProduct


adaptyId: string

A description of the product.

ios?: {
    isFamilyShareable: boolean;

Type declaration

localizedDescription: string

A description of the product.

localizedTitle: string

The name of the product.

payloadData?: string
paywallABTestName: string

Same as abTestName property of the parent AdaptyPaywall.

paywallName: string

Same as name property of the parent AdaptyPaywall.

price?: AdaptyPrice

The cost of the product in the local currency

regionCode?: string

The region code of the locale used to format the price of the product. ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 (US, DE)

variationId: string

Same as variationId property of the parent AdaptyPaywall.

vendorProductId: string

Unique identifier of a product from App Store Connect or Google Play Console

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